Thursday, 7 June 2007

Hammer House of Horror and James Bond

07 June 2007 - With the announcement recently that the Hammer House brand and archive had been bought by a consortium that planned to raise it from the dead, it was off to Highgate Cemetery and a tour of the older, more overgrown Western Cemetery (the cemetery is split into an eastern and western section). Besides the weather was nice and Mrs Wavey and I had talked about going to Highgate Cemetery for some time.

I had fun here trying the Nokia N95s camera settings, in paticular using the Sepia setting to try and capture that Hammer House of Horror look. I was therefore quite surprised to come across a far more modern grave, that of Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko who was buried right on the main path of the tourist trail possibly a move to ensure he and his allegations stay in the public eye.

Lots of interesing stories and tales on the tour, including visiting graves of several famous people including the writer of the first Lesbian Novel whos catacomb is always adorned with fresh flowers still.

More photos at my Flickr page