Saturday, 28 February 2009

Běijīng a short stop over

It was Mrs Waveys special Birthday in November, (shh don't tell her I told you that), and I decided to take here on a surprise holiday. I'd heard about Harbin and the Ice Festival (more about that later) and thought I'd couple that with Chinese New Year in luxury in Hong Kong.

This is how I packaged it up for the birthday present (photos of the Ice and Snow festival were inside the Ice Sculpture which had melted by Birthday Morning).

Anyway. I couldn't get a direct flight to Harbin so it meant that we had to have a stopover in Beijing. This was a bit frustrating, because we knew we wouldn't be able to do the place justice at all, but we did get a little look around to get the flavour of the place.

You read about the Traffic in Beijing, but it really is amazing. The rules of the road seem to be that you can do anything as long as you beep your horn a lot. If you are a pedestrian or cyclist your job is to ignore the horn. It wasn't uncommon to look out of a taxi window and see a bike driving towards you. It was a good job that the average speed in Beijing was only 15KMH. Talking of Taxis, none of the drivers had done the knowledge. Many times we drove around in circles looking for our hotel. Even with a Taxi Card it wasn't that easy to find.

Whilst walking through the city we saw a number of people were going through a particular door, and being curious, we followed. We found ourselves in the Olympic Souvenir shop and experienced our first taste of Chinese shopping. We selected our item from one Girl who wrote us a multi copy receipt. We were then walked by another person to the payment counter. Having paid the receipts were stamped and then we were give 2 back and were walked back to finally get our present from the original person. There is something to be said for full employment!

Anyway, we didn't see any Olympic Venues, we didn't go to the Great Wall, (but saw it from the plane), and we didn't do a hundred other things, but we did go to Tiananmen Square and walked into the city seeing some good night markets. I only wish we could have stayed a little longer. What came next, however, was well worth leaving Beijing for

To see more photos go to my Beijing Flickr Set

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